Ribalco Vladimir Vladimirovich - Professor of the Chair of Power Plants of the Naval Academy, Professor of the Chair of Gas-Turbine Plants of the Naval Engineering Institute. During almost 30 years has been teaching the Theory of the Performance of Ship Gas-Turbine Plants. Published over 100 articles/papers, plus 4 study books and 7 tutorials.

Fields of professional interest:
Methods for ensuring cost-effective and reliable operation of gas-turbine plants in various operating conditions (the problem of control over plant operation process);
Evaluation of the reliability of power plants in operation (small and censored samples, Markov process, and so forth);
Optimization of parameters in the course of designing and selection of plant performance modes for fulfilling specific tasks;
Diagnostics of power plants (parametric methods (parametric methods and methods of statistic recognition of technical condition).

Inviting to cooperation:
Conducting research in the above-indicated fields;
Consulting and exchange of experience in the above-indicated fields when solving specific problems for institutions and individuals;
Consulting for students and post-graduate students in the field of the theory and operation of gas-turbine power plants

The main method of studies: mathematical modeling/simulation of processes with the use of experimental data (for correcting models) and methods of passive and active planning of experiments.

Examples of solving problems in MATHCAD are enclosed.
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